Holiday Traditions- Will you create a new one this year?
We all celebrate traditions……… In our country, state, family, faith and the lists go on. Did you ever really think about a tradition? What is it? How did it start? Do we take a moment to remember why a particular tradition started and celebrate it, share it and pass it on?
I think some “ traditions” come to mind more than others. Certainly, how we celebrate birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Weddings but what else?
First let’s go back to the definition of tradition. It defined as “the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on this way.” How about this definition…. “a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not in the scriptures.” Does this bring business or maybe parenting to mind? OH, tradition means a whole lot more than a celebration or party we plan. Let the Grinch’s Ah Ha moment of “maybe Christmas means a little bit more” sink in.
My sister and I send cards………in the mail! Love doing that. Don’t you love receiving one? And recently I saw a demonstration on creative ways to make cards. I have a niece who will twill a card. Most of us will recognize the thought behind a card or note because it’s tangible. The handmade ones may even make it to the refrigerator! Thinking you couldn’t possibly find the time to do that- right? It comes down to priorities. What “tradition” is important enough to do no matter what?
Take a few minutes to list things you do throughout the year that you do every year. Not just Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Easter, birthdays and wedding but the little things.
Do you hang stocking at Christmas? Our family hangs them for St Nicholas Day. Look that up if it’s not one you already celebrate. The baking, the decorating, the countdown to Christmas calendar. Or the discontinuing of a tradition…although the family fruit cake recipe did delight most, I did discontinue that one!
Since 2020 was a strange and unsettling year of uncertainty and change for all of us, what is it that you missed most? What did you substitute for that? Did you postpone it? Did you do something completely different……..perhaps started a new tradition without even knowing.
So, it seems to me that we get right back to being intentional for just a few moments a day. What was the most memorable moment of the day …good or bad? Did you take a minute to be thankful for what someone did for you or how someone reacted to something you did or said? A smile, phone call, text or even opening a door can make a difference.
Love to hear from you on traditions you have, ones you’ve had to put on hold due to covid circumstance and ones you created. Just the opportunity to share new ideas can create a happy heart and who knows, maybe a new tradition!