Adopting a New Tradition
Ah- Nothing like a child’s wide eyes experiencing all the sights and sounds of Christmas. It really is magical. Lights outside on houses, in stores and certainly in every ad. One of the many touching “feelings” of Christmas is to watch a child look in amazement and utter stillness at the lights on the tree.
There are so many precious moments especially during December. I love the excitement of people preparing on Christmas Eve. Since I was a little girl, we would go to Midnight Mass with the grownups! The anticipation of getting to stay up late, deciding what to wear, dinner at Grandma & Grandpa’s, the feeling of joy everywhere and hearing the story of Jesus’ birth with candles and quietness and then trumpets and song. Often snow gently falling (ok so this may not always happen but loved it when it did). Kind of like the icing on the cake. It helped to seal the memory of Christmas just like the pictures on greeting cards. And this is what happens at Christmas….memories. But are they created around the celebration of the birth of Jesus?
I love tradition and like you, want to pass it on to my children and grandchildren. However, I want to start a new one for our family this year. One that many already do to help bring the focus to the reason for the season. I want to make a cake with “Happy Birthday Jesus” on top to create a memory for my grandkids as we read the Christmas Story once again. A tradition I hope they cherish and share with their kids one day that helps plant the seed of just why we celebrate Christmas. Sharing the passion to see all He has done for us and learning to live the life He himself exemplified here on earth so we may join Him someday in Heaven.
Merry Christmas!